英國里茲大學University of Leeds



  1. 本校大二/大三/大四/大五/碩一/碩二/碩三學生。
  2. 歷年成績總平均需達80分以上。
  3. 語檢要求(視申請系所而訂): website
  4. 語檢有效期限特殊規定(點我查看)-We cannot accept results from these tests that are over two years old at the start date of the course you intend to study. 
名額 不限

Fall semester: September-January
Spring semester: January-June




2018/19: If your student does not have EU citizenship, the single semester fee is £7,900 and the full-year fee is £14,000. 
2019/20: If your student does not have EU citizenship, the single semester fee is £8,300 and the full-year fee is £14,800. 
2020/21: If you are a non-EU student, the single semester fee is £8,750 and the full-year fee is £15,600.
2022/23: If you are a non-EU student, the single semester fee is £9,250 and the full-year fee is £16,600.
2024/25 If you are a non-EU student, the single semester fee is £9,875 and the full-year fee is £19,750.
2025/26 If you are a non-EU student, the single semester fee is £10,400 and the full-year fee is £20,800.

  1. website
  2. Pre-sessional English courses(費用另計): 點我查看
住宿資訊 Your student will be able to apply for accommodation online at: 點我查看 once we have received all of their documentation. They must have a Student Identification Number before they apply and this will be sent to them by e-mail. Accommodation is guaranteed to all new students who apply before the application deadline.

